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Knowledge Destination framework for tourism sustainability – a Business Intelligence application from Sweden (Peer-Reviewed Article) - Detailansicht

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Titel der Arbeit (title) Knowledge Destination framework for tourism sustainability – a Business Intelligence application from Sweden
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
Seitenzahl (pages) 121-148
Band (volume) 61(2)
Serie (series) Tourism
Publikationsart Peer-Reviewed Article
Abstract Based on Grant's (1996) knowledge-based view of the firm, Jafari's (2001) knowledge-based platform of thinking and Schianetz, Kavanagh and Lockington (2007a) Learning Tourism Destination, the Knowledge Destination Framework (Höpken, Fuchs, Keil & Lexhagen, 2011) is introduced and a Web-based Destination Management Information system (DMIS) is presented. It is illustrated how knowledge creation, exchange and application processes can be improved by applying a Business Intelligence approach. By focusing on Online-Analytical Processing (OLAP), exemplarily for the Swedish tourism destination of Åre, it is highlighted how DMIS can be used as a monitor for measuring the proportion of tourists with the smallest ecological footprint (Dolnicar, Crouch & Long, 2008; Dolnicar & Leisch, 2008). After a discussion of study limitations, future research steps are outlined. Th e paper concludes by providing some critical remarks on the political economics of sustainability on a global scale and by outlining policy implications for the governance of sustainability at the level of tourism destinations.

Zugeordnete Projekte

Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen

Beteiligte Personen (intern)

Höpken, Wolfram, Professor  


Institut für Angewandte Forschung (IAF)